Veterans lifeline at work

Veterans Lifeline looks to adopt a different approach to most other charities. In simplistic terms instead of standing next to a fast flowing stream and fishing struggling Veterans out of the water and then dealing with their symptoms, we look to move upstream and find out why the Veterans have or are falling in the water in the first place and try to prevent it - More often than not a common denominator is a lack of employment which then fuels a loss of 'Sense of Purpose'.

Veterans Lifeline have identified that a common denominator with struggling Veterans is unemployment. Therefore we look to boost their chances of finding suitable employment by giving them the full support and backing of Veterans Lifeline.

To identify, understand and support struggling Veterans in the community and help them to regain a 'Sense of Purpose'

Veterans lifeline

Veterans Lifeline




A fully trained and qualified individual will work with the Veteran to help understand the situation using the template of HARDFACTS - Health, Accommodation, Relocation, Drugs/Alcohol, Finances, Attitude, Children/Family, Training/ Courses/Employment, Support. 


To identify, understand and support struggling Veterans in the community and help them to regain a 'Sense of Purpose'

Veterans lifeline

Our Mission